Our community mental health services provide support to people who are more severely impacted by mental illness as well as those experiencing mental health crisis and suicidality. Services are provided through outreach and clinics across the Gold Coast region. To access our community mental health services, contact 1300 MH CALL.
Our adult community services include:
- Acute Care Treatment (1300 MH CALL)
- Acute Care Treatment - Community
- Adult Eating Disorder Program (>18 years)
- Continuing Care Community
- Cordyline Residential Recovery Service
- Crisis Stabilisation Unit
- Extended treatment - continuing care
- Homeless Health Outreach Team (HHOT)
- Nurse Navigators
- Mobile Intensive Rehabilitation Team
- Older Persons Mental Health Community Services
- QAS/QPS Co-responders
- Transitional Recovery Service
Our child and youth community services include:
- Access Team (under 18 years old)
- Continuing Care Team
- Young Adult Continuing Care Service (18-21 years old)
Other community supports options are available here.
Emergency contact
Dial Triple Zero (000) for Police, Fire and Ambulance in an emergency.
Hearing impaired callers dial 106 by TTY or use other National Relay Services in an emergency.
Non-urgent medical help: 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
General enquiries: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)