This page provides a range of helpful information for patients, carers and community members.
Mental health is a state of wellbeing that enables you to deal with what life throws at you.
It is about feeling resilient, enjoying life and being able to connect with others.
Good mental health helps you:
- cope with the normal stresses of life
- be productive both at work and in your private life
- relate well to other people
- contribute to your community.
Staying well and preventing relapse involves care of both our physical body and our minds. Taking regular exercise, eating well, drinking water and having sufficient sleep helps us stay well. An important step in staying well and preventing relapse is to recognising what we feel like when we are well, recognising the signs and symptoms when our health is changing and illness might be recurring.
At such times, reaching out early to our family, friends, community supports services and healthcare professionals is important, so they are aware of our changing health needs and work towards limiting the impact of our illness on our daily lives. There are many resources available that can help us to stay well such as mobile apps and online support groups. Having access to a broad range of services and support systems is useful in helping support your health and wellbeing and in preventing relapse.
Recovery is possible and achievable by everyone. Recovery is a journey not a simply a destination. Each recovery journey is a personal experience, that may include a discovery of personal strength and resilience, growth and skill development. Visit our recovery stories page for examples.
Choice and Medication Printable Leaflets provide information leaflets about how common medication works, usual doses, side effects, and how long it should be taken for. These leaflets have been designed to help service users, carers and family members understand their medicines better, and to make more informed decisions. It is best to speak to a healthcare professional about what medications may be right for you.
As a family member, carer or support person, understanding how to assist your loved one with their mental health can be challenging. Visit our support for families and carers page for more information and access to resources.
Find out about how your rights are protected when undergoing treatment for a mental health issue. Visit the Queensland Health your rights and support page for more information.
View the Mental Health Act 2016 page for more information on:
- Objects and principles
- Chief Psychiatrist
- Queensland Government Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Queensland Government – Find a Mental Health Service
- Queensland Government – Queensland Health – Mental Health Resources
- Queensland Government – Queensland Health – Mental Health Community Services
- The Way Back Support Service
- Black Dog Institute
- SANE Australia
- headspace
- Blue Knot Foundation
- 1800 Respect
- Al-Anon
- Living is for Everyone
- Relationships Australia – Gambling Help Program
- ReachOut
- Beyond Blue
- Healthdirect - Project Air Strategy
- Queensland Mind Fact Sheet – Schizophrenia
- Children of Parents with a Mental Illness – COPMI
- Roses in the Ocean