We fully support the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The charter outlines the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system.
Your rights
- Healthcare services and treatment that meets my needs
- Receive safe and high quality health care that meets national standards
- Be cared for in an environment that is safe and makes me feel safe
- Be treated as an individual, and with dignity and respect
- Have my culture, identity, beliefs and choices recognised and respected
- Ask questions and be involved in open and honest communication
- Make decisions with my healthcare provider, to the extent that I choose and am able to Include the people that I want in planning and decision-making
- Clear information about my condition, the possible benefits and risks of different tests and treatments, so I can give my informed consent
- Receive information about services, waiting times and costs
- Be given assistance, when I need it, to help me to understand and use health information
- Access my health information
- Be told if something has gone wrong during my health care, how it happened, how it may affect me and what is being done to make care safe
- Have my personal privacy respected
- Have information about me and my health kept secure and confidential
Give feedback
- Provide feedback or make a complaint without it affecting the way that I am treated
- Have my concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way
- Share my experience and participate to improve the quality of care and health services
For more information ask a member of staff or visit safetyandquality.gov.au/your-rights
Your responsibilities
To help us to provide you the best possible care please:
- Tell us about your illnesses and hospital visits, symptoms, medications, allergies and other health-related matters
- Tell us about any religious or cultural beliefs and requirements
- Treat everyone that you meet at our facilities with care and respect
- Ask questions and talk to your family before making any decisions about your health care if relevant
- Follow staff instructions regarding your treatment and care
- Be aware that your care may need to be transferred to another hospital if required
- Be on time for appointments and let your health service know if you need to cancel or reschedule, and notify us if your contact details change
- Talk to your local doctor if your condition changes while on a waiting list for treatment
- Treat all people you meet in the health service (staff, volunteers patients/clients, their families and aged care residents), with care, dignity and consideration
- Respect the confidentiality and privacy of others.