We advertise our vacancies in various media, depending on the role.
You may speak with the contact name listed on the role description to find out more about the job.
Our timeline
We will usually contact you within one to three weeks after applications close if you have been shortlisted. Unsuccessful applicants will receive an email at the end of the recruitment process.
Our hiring manager will determine your experience and suitability for the role utilising a number of selection techniques.
Once we offer you a job, you need to provide documents and references for our checking. This can usually take from one to four weeks.
Our offer is subject to pre-employment requirements.
Our core capability framework
Our core capability framework defines the behaviours, skills, abilities and attitudes which all employees need for us to successfully perform as an organisation.
Download the core capability framework.
We use the framework throughout employee journey; from recruitment through to development and succession planning. We assess candidates against all 20 capabilities outlined within the framework. Our role descriptions link to the framework, while also outlining the core role capabilities essential for the role. During your selection process we will assess your suitability for the role by reviewing your capabilities as well as the key duties and accountabilities outlined in the role description.
Professional Practice Model
As part of the journey to Magnet Recognition, we developed a Professional Practice Model (PPM). A PPM is a diagram that depicts how our staff collaborate, communicate and develop professionally to provide safe, high quality, person-centred care.
The PPM aligns and integrates our mission, vision and values, along with Gold Coast Health’s Professional Practice Domains.
Learn more about the PPM's design.