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Tropical Cyclone Alfred: The Bureau of Meteorology predicts damaging wind gusts and heavy to locally intense rainfall which may lead to dangerous and life-threatening flash flooding as Tropical Cyclone Alfred approaches and crosses the Queensland coast late Thursday/early Friday this week.
Gold Coast Health continues to monitor the situation and is taking necessary steps to prepare for and respond to the severe weather.

Staying overnight (inpatients)

When you stay at hospital overnight or if you are admitted for day surgery, you are known as an "inpatient".

Please go to the admissions desk or front reception when you arrive. To help us provide quality care, our staff will ask you about:

  • your medical history
  • your current address and phone number
  • details of your GP or other treating health professionals
  • up-to-date next of kin and contact person’s details
  • your Medicare number
  • details of private health cover
  • any current Advance Health Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney (person who you authorise to make decisions about your health care, personal or financial matters if needed), and copies of these documents
  • your need for an interpreter or Indigenous Health worker.

Find out what to bring to hospital.

Our staff are here to ensure your stay in hospital is as comfortable as possible. Your treating team will provide you with continual updates about your clinical care and your expected date of discharge. If at any time you would like further clarification about your treatment or progress, we encourage you to talk to your doctor or nursing team.

Surgery and day surgery patients

If you are booked in for an operation, you may be asked to attend a pre-admission clinic one to two weeks prior to your operation.

You may be asked to stop eating and drinking before coming to hospital for surgery. This includes chewing gum, lollies, and water.

If you are a day surgery patient, please tell the person who will be taking you home (your escort) that they will receive a phone call when you are ready to be discharged. If your escort has no phone or will not be home, please tell nursing staff when you arrive.

Last updated 21 Dec 2016