This information is a guide only and may be helpful while you wait for our appointment. There may be errors in information about external agencies as rates and services change over time.
Please discuss your young person’s case in detail with your GP or Child Health Nurse. If your circumstances change while you are on our waitlist, please talk with your GP about extra supports you can access while you wait for us. They can also contact us to facilitate a shared care approach while you wait.
Please note: our service will help with diagnosis for your child, but we have NO capacity for therapy - we help you to find this support locally in your community.
To get the most out of your appointment, arrange these before you see us:
- This can be completed Privately through an Audiology clinic. Talk with your GP about your closest service.
- With a referral from your GP or your young person's school, the Child Health Team (07 5687 9183) perform hearing tests for children and young people aged 4 to end of High School. A referral needs to be faxed (07 5687 4497) or emailed through to Child Health - click here for extra information on how to refer to this service.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are members of Kalwun can access hearing tests through the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) (07 5578 3434).
- Once completed, please send us a copy via email or mail to our address.
Please note: we do not require Auditory Processing Disorder testing.
- An optometrist can perform a visual acuity test. Most will bulk bill children.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are members of Kalwun can access eye tests through the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) (07 5578 3434).
Please note: we do not require Behavioural Optometry.
If your child attends childcare, please ask them to complete our Childcare and Kindy Questionnaire.
Once completed, please send us a copy via email or mail to our address.
Ask your young person’s teacher/Guidance Officer to complete our school questionnaire.
Once completed, please send us a copy via email or mail to our address.
Education Queensland will ask you to complete their own consent form to allow them to share information with our service.
Please send us:
- Previous letters of concern from your young person’s teacher/Deputy Principal/Guidance Officer.
- Previous assessments completed for your young person; for example, previous Paediatrician letters, Allied Health assessments.
- Check with school if they’ve completed any assessments for your young person; for example, Cognitive Assessment, Language Screening.
Please note: if you are asking your therapist or other services to provide reports or other information, please be mindful that your therapist may need time to prepare these.
Any additional information that you can provide prior to your appointment, will help to ensure you child is seen by the most appropriate person to address your child’s needs and minimise the need for duplicate assessments from our service.
Forward the above information to our service at least two weeks prior to your appointment.
If you are unable to send this information prior, please bring this information to your first clinic appointment.