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Immunisation records

The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is a national register that records vaccinations given from 1996 to people of all ages in Australia.  You can request your child’s immunisation statement if they’re younger than 14 years. This helps you to:

  • keep track of the vaccines they had up until they’re 14
  • prove your child’s had what they need to access child care or school
  • see if any vaccines are overdue
  • check if your child has an immunisation medical exemption recorded
  • check that your child meets immunisation requirements for Family Tax Benefit Part A and child care fee assistance

The quickest way to get your child’s statement is online. You can use your Medicare online account through myGov or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app. You can save and email the statement directly to your child’s pre-school or child care centre.

The Australian Immunisation Register privacy policy, requires anyone 14 years or older to get their own statement. They can do this:

If there are immunisation records missing in the AIR that you think you have received through your GP or elsewhere, you can check by:

Please note that this request form is for people who are currently or previously residing, working or studying in the Gold Coast. If you are not from the Gold Coast you are requested to contact your local Public Health Unit for assistance.

For more information on Gold Coast Health Immunisation programs, contact the Gold Coast Public Health Unit Immunisation Team by email: or phone 1800 940 750.

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Last updated 17 Oct 2023