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Tropical Cyclone Alfred: The Bureau of Meteorology predicts damaging wind gusts and heavy to locally intense rainfall which may lead to dangerous and life-threatening flash flooding as Tropical Cyclone Alfred approaches and crosses the Queensland coast late Thursday/early Friday this week.
Gold Coast Health continues to monitor the situation and is taking necessary steps to prepare for and respond to the severe weather.


Toddlers can learn through songs

Songs and nursery rhymes are great to help your child anticipate and predict. They connect language to actions which help your child’s understanding of language and in turn, use of language. When singing your child’s favourite song, pause and let them fill in the blank with an action, sound or word. Or wait for your child to request the song to be sung again.

Singing songs that have actions are a great way to encourage gestures. Start with simple songs that only use one or two movements, such as ‘Row, row, row your boat” or “If you’re Happy and You Know It”. Later songs with more actions could include “The Wheels on the Bus”, “Where Is Thumbkin?” and “Incy Wincey Spider”.

Last updated 13 Jul 2023