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Water quality and fluoridation

We partner with the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and other agencies to respond to public health risks from drinking water, recycled water, fluoridation and recreational water

City of Gold Coast, SEQ Water and Queensland Urban Utilities provide reticulated drinking water. The Gold Coast Hinterland, outside of the reticulated network, relies on tank and bore water.

Many factors contribute to contaminated water including bacteria, chemical, bushfire, cyclone or flooding.

What we do

  • Conduct public health risk assessments and provide expert advice on water quality and safety
  • Conduct audits of water treatment plant fluoridation facilities
  • Provide advice on the use of recycled water
  • Manage compliance with the Public Health Act 2005 and Water Fluoridation Act 2008.
  • Advise health care facilities on Legionella control strategies and monitor compliance with water quality management plans
  • Investigate incidents of water related disease from recreational water such as Cryptosporidium from swimming pools and interactive water parks 
  • Investigate incidents of water related diseases such as Legionella from hot water systems
Publication Name
Updated Date

Last updated 27 Nov 2019