Whether you arrived at one of our public hospitals for emergency or planned treatment, our aim is to provide the best possible care for you.
Your rights and responsibilities
Gold Coast Health fully supports the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The charter describes what consumers, or someone they care for, can expect when receiving health care.
Healthcare services and treatment that meets my needs.
Receive safe and high quality health care that meets national standards.
Be cared for in an environment that is safe and makes me feel safe.
Be treated as an individual, and with dignity and respect.
Have my culture, identity, beliefs and choices recognised and respected.
Ask questions and be involved in open and honest communication.
Make decisions with my healthcare provider, to the extent that I choose and am able to Include the people that I want in planning and decision-making.
Clear information about my condition, the possible benefits and risks of different tests and treatments, so I can give my informed consent.
Receive information about services, waiting times and costs.
Be given assistance, when I need it, to help me to understand and use health information.
Access my health information.
Be told if something has gone wrong during my health care, how it happened, how it may affect me and what is being done to make care safe.
Clear information about my condition, the possible benefits and risks of different tests and treatments, so I can give my informed consent.
Receive information about services, waiting times and costs.
Be given assistance, when I need it, to help me to understand and use health information.
Access my health information.
Be told if something has gone wrong during my health care, how it happened, how it may affect me and what is being done to make care safe.
Give feedback
Provide feedback or make a complaint without it affecting the way that I am treated.
Have my concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way.
Share my experience and participate to improve the quality of care and health services.
For more information ask a member of staff or visit safetyandquality.gov.au/your-rights
Compliments and complaints
Gold Coast Health welcomes and appreciates the time you take to provide feedback.
If you wish to make a complaint or give a compliment you can do so by visting the online feedback form page.
Patient reported experience and outcome measures
Queensland Health is inviting patients and parents/carers of patients who recently visited hospital to participate in a patient reported experience survey or a patient reported outcomes survey online.
This is a new approach to collecting patient reported experience measures (known as PREMs) in hospitals in Queensland Health and patient reported outcome measures (known as PROMs) in clinical specialty areas.
Taking part in the online surveys is voluntary. Your hospital care and treatment will not be affected if you choose not to participate.
More information about the surveys, some questions and answers you or your family may have on the surveys can be found at the Queensland Health website. For any other questions or assistance in completing the surveys, please contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).