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School/Adolescent Immunisation Program

Queensland’s School Immunisation Program (SIP) provides secondary school students in Year 7 and 10 with the opportunity to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases by receiving free immunisations. This program is part of the National Immunisation Program.

The Public Health Act 2005 requires school principals to disclose student and parent information to approved school immunisation providers, to allow them to:

  • reconcile returned consent form for the School Immunisation Program against eligible students
  • follow-up with parents of students who have not returned a consent form to offer them the opportunity to participate in the School Immunisation Program, and
  • assist families to resolve concerns about their child’s immunisation needs.

At the beginning of every school year, parents and guardians of Year 7 & 10 students will be sent an email with a unique code for each child so as consent can be provided via the online consent portal, along with disease information attached of what is being vaccinated against.

If a parent/guardian does not respond to the email, reminders will be sent to request a form be submitted. It is requested that all parents complete a consent form even if they do not want their child vaccinated at school as this allows us to confirm that the immunisation offer was received.

For further information please contact School Immunisation Program on, or call 1800 940 750.

Please note: Gold Coast School Immunisation Program is a digital online consent that differs from what is provided in other areas of Queensland. Only students with a completed (YES ) consent form will be vaccinated.

School Immunisation Program

Students in secondary schools will be offered the following immunisations:

Year 7 students (or age equivalent)

Disease Brand Number of doses Consumer Medicines Information (CMI)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)  Gardasil® 1 Dose Gardasil
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis Boostrix® 1 Dose Boostrix
  Adacel® 1 Dose Adacel


Year 10 students (eligible 15 to 19 years of age inclusive)

Disease Brand Number of doses Consumer Medicines Information (CMI)
Meinigococcal ACWY  Nimenrix® 1 Dose Nimenrix
  MenQuadfi® 1 Dose MenQuadfi
Meningococcal B Bexsero®  2 Dose (8 weeks apart) Bexsero

Year 10

Year 7

Last updated 18 Oct 2024