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Seeking help

If you’re worried about yourself or someone you care for, you might feel unsure about whether you need professional help. There’s a variety of signs you should look for to work out when to seek help

If you're distressed and need immediate help, call Triple Zero (000).

Options for seeking help

Mental health support

There are several supports available to help you with your mental health, including a range of activities you can do to help yourself, or speaking to your doctor when you are ready to seek help. Read more

Alcohol and other drugs support

Alcohol and other drugs services provide people with a range of interventions that influence and support the decision to reduce or cease harmful substance use. Participating in alcohol and other drug treatment in Queensland is voluntary. Read more

For health professionals and service providers

Health professionals and service providers can support people experiencing mental illness or struggling with alcohol and drug related issues. Visit our health professionals and services providers page for more information. 

Emergency contact

Dial Triple Zero (000) for Police, Fire and Ambulance in an emergency.

Hearing impaired callers dial 106 by TTY or use other National Relay Services in an emergency.

Non-urgent medical help: 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)

General enquiries: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)

Last updated 10 Oct 2024