Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Interdisciplinary Clinical Services (EPPICS) is a specialised clinic providing comprehensive care for women* experiencing endometriosis and pelvic pain.
Endometriosis and pelvic pain can be complex as it can affect many different organs and muscles in the pelvis and can affect how your pain system processes information.
To help address the unique experience of each woman living with these conditions, EPPICS provides an ‘interdisciplinary’ approach.
The interdisciplinary approach means a range of specialists, allied health professionals and nursing staff work as a team to provide care tailored to each woman’s individual symptoms, experiences and goals.
In addition to the individualised interdisciplinary care, EPPICS offers educational sessions to help understand symptoms, develop self-care and self-management skills.
How to access this service
This service can be accessed via a referral from a General Practitioner.
Patients already seeing a gynaecologist at the Gold Coast University Hospital or Robina Hospital can be referred by their treating specialist.
More Information
Each woman referred this service will attend an information session with the expert interdisciplinary team: ‘Pain, Endometriosis and You’. A support person is welcome at this session.
This group session of up to 20 people is designed to help explain some symptoms, and explore how the pelvis, body and pain systems work.
During this session, participants will complete a detailed questionnaire about their experiences, symptoms, priorities and goals.
Resources with recommended symptom management strategies will be provided at the completion of the session.
Following this session, an individual appointment with a Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) will be arranged.
During this appointment, the CNC will work with the participant to review their questionnaire and discuss which specialities could help address their individual symptoms and priorities.
The CNC will organise appointments with the preferred specialties and can answer any further questions.
Due to the complex nature of pelvic pain and endometriosis, clinicians from different specialties will work together to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
Clinical Nurse Consultant
A Clinical Nurse Consultant provides both face-to-face and telehealth support to help women determine their individualised care plan.
They provide holistic support with regular check ins, and ensure the care plan is progressing.
A physiotherapist will examine how the pelvic floor muscles and the pelvic area could be contributing to persistent pain.
Physiotherapy management will be individually developed with women based on their symptoms and goals.
The ultimate purpose is to improve function and quality of life with self-management strategies.
A gynaecologist can address issues that could cause pelvic pain including problems with periods, pelvic infections, and ovarian cysts.
They can also provide medical and surgical management options for endometriosis.
A dietitian will review current dietary habits and help explain why they may be experiencing issues such as bloating, pain, constipation and diarrhoea.
This will assist patients to make healthier dietary changes.
Dietitians will also suggest foods which may provide relief and benefits.
Specialist Pain Medicine Physician and Nurse Practitioner with subspecialty training in persistent pain management
The specialist will provide advice for lifestyle changes, pelvic pain and persistent pain, managing mental health and also medications which may be helpful.
Specialists will also assist in coordinating other specialities involved in the tailored care plan with a focus on rehabilitation.
A psychologist will explain what the body and mind is experiencing when persistent pain happens.
The psychologist will assist in developing coping strategies and skills for women to better manage difficult thoughts and feeling, aiming to improve quality of life and confidence in managing pain.
Women are encouraged to share their personal experience, concerns, and impact on their wellbeing, so the team can tailor the treatment based on their goals and values.
Social Work
A social worker will evaluate how pain can impact physical functioning, wellbeing, social support and cultural beliefs.
This can assist women to identify their preferences for pain management and ensure they have access to appropriate resources and community services.
Staff will support women to set realistic and meaningful goals, celebrate achievements and adjust plans as needed.
Colorectal Surgery
Women with endometriosis who are considering surgery and experiencing symptoms involving the bowel may see a colorectal surgeon.
The surgeon will discuss how the surgery will affect the bowel and explain they impact this may have on future bowel function.
If a patient decides to have surgery, a colorectal surgeon will be present to assist in removing bowel related endometriosis.
Women engage with this service for approximately 12 months.
A Clinical Nurse Coordinator will check in regularly to ensure women are receiving optimal and timely support.
A summary detailing the care provided will be created and the team will work with the woman’s General Practitioner (GP) to hand over their care with recommendations for ongoing community supports if required.
The GP will have ongoing access to the interdisciplinary team via the CNC, if required for further advice and support.
*GCHHS acknowledges the gender diversity of all people(s) experiencing endometriosis and/or pelvic pain. Where the term women/woman is used, this includes everyone assigned female at birth.