All babies are born at our state-of-the-art Gold Coast University Hospital, located in Southport.
The facility is more than three times the size of the old Gold Coast Hospital and its changed status to a tertiary referral hospital has contributed to the increase and complexity of maternity services available.
This means that babies born under 32 weeks can now birth at the Gold Coast University Hospital rather than being transferred to Brisbane.
Birthing options provided by Gold Coast Health include:
- Private midwifery
- Obstetrician-led care
- Continuity of midwifery care through Midwifery Group Practice.
Further details about these maternity care options is available:
- In our Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet
- The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Gold Coast University Hospital’s specialist maternity services includes:
- Pregnancy care through the outpatient service or in the community
- Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit to support complex pregnancy
- Birthing suites and Birth Centre, which include a birthing bath used for pain management and water birthing, for women who meet the criteria
- Inpatient unit to look after women during pregnancy if required, and postnatal care after the birth
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for premature or sick babies, and Neonatal Special Care Nursery.