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Homeless Health Outreach Team (HHOT)

Homeless Health Outreach Team (HHOT) service provides comprehensive assessments, care co-ordination and clinical interventions for homeless persons in the community who are experiencing mental illness.


  • Intake/Assessment.
  • Monitoring and treatment interventions for mental health related and alcohol and drug related issues within a community setting.
  • Health issues including physical as well as mental health/ alcohol and drug issues.
  • People with enduring mental illness or substantial alcohol and or drug misuse issues who are homeless.
  • Co-ordinating access to a variety of services that can support people experiencing homelessness including but not limited to all levels of government services; local laws officers, Department of Human Service (Centrelink), Department of Corrective Services, Department of Child safety and Department of Housing and Public Works, employment, housing, independent living services (PHaMS, FSG) and other health services (Public, NGO and Private).
  • Promotion, prevention and early intervention initiatives with people experiencing homelessness who are also experiencing mental health/alcohol and drug issues.
  • Support family, carers and friends of people experiencing homelessness and mental health/ alcohol and drug issues.
  • Support and educate the Non-Government Sector to build capacity within these organisations to manage people experiencing homelessness and mental health/ alcohol and drug issues.
  • The Homeless Emergency Department Liaison Officer (HEDLO) also sits within the HHOT operationally. This position provides a 7 days per week accommodation advice service to people who present at the Gold Coast Hospital emergency department and are homeless.
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Updated Date

Last updated 01 Jun 2022