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Mobile Intensive Rehabilitation Team

Mobile Intensive Rehabilitation Team (MIRT) is a highly responsive, assertive treatment and recovery orientated multidisciplinary service, aimed at improving the quality of life for consumers with complex mental health needs requiring intensive intervention in the community.

The MIRT assist to facilitate the development or re-engagement with meaningful life roles for consumers, with an explicit belief that people can and do recover from mental illness.

New referrals to MIRT usually come from within the mental health service. Consumers referred to MIRT are identified as benefiting from more intensive mental health service input to improve their quality of life.

At present MIRT are able to provide the following services:

  • Provide a 7 day service, on an outreach basis, through home visits and other community based interventions, to facilitate the rehabilitative process of transferring learned behaviours to support independent living
  • Provide assessment, recovery planning and intensive mental health psychosocial rehabilitation services for consumers who have complex mental health needs
  • Provide preventative help for people to manage crisis situations and provide support to keep crises from turning into unnecessary hospitalisations
  • Provide education to the consumer, their family and carers and support services
  • Engage, develop and maintain partnerships with local services and community groups.
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Last updated 27 Sep 2023