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Philip Jones

After finishing medical school in 2014,  I discovered my love for Emergency Medicine. I commenced the ACEM training program in 2017 after being offered a position at the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre and completed my Fellowship requirements in mid-2022. I have a longstanding interest in mathematics, which was the subject of my undergraduate degree, and pursued a Master's degree in Biostatistics while completing my ED training. This helped me to achieve my current position as ED Research Fellow at Gold Coast University Hospital.

In many ways, statistics is the language of the medical literature, and I have found this special skill to be invaluable as I pursue my interest in medical research. I enjoy working with teams to analyse data and write papers as well as sharing my knowledge of clinical medicine and critical appraisal with junior doctors. Outside of work, I like playing chess and spending time with Roland, my big black poodle.

My research interests include the COVERED COVID research program and multiple ultrasound research studies through the Sonar Group. For my next project, I am looking to develop an audit program for GCUH ED.

- Master's of Biostatistics
- Member of the Sonar Group (2022)

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Last updated 19 Dec 2022