We are the overarching group for research conducted in the Emergency Department. Our vision is to integrate research seamlessly into clinical practice and education while shaping new guidelines and policy.
In 2024, our group achieved significant milestones, including the publication of over 91 articles in peer-reviewed journals, involvement in more than 150 research projects, and participation in successful grant applications totalling more than $6.49 million dollars.
Our funders include:
- the National Health and Medical Research Council
- the Emergency Medicine Foundation
- the Medical Research Future Fund
- the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation
- Thrasher Research Fund
Additionally, we remain committed to fostering a culture of mentorship by encouraging pillar leads and clinicians to supervise students in research endeavours. In 2024, more than 20 students from Bond University and Griffith University actively participated in our clinical audits and research projects.
Since 2011, our contributions to publications and research funding, whether as lead investigators or named collaborators, have shown consistent upward trajectory.
If you are interested in joining one of our projects or undertaking a new project
- Fill out this form
- Email GCEDResearchAdmin@health.qld.gov.au
Our Goals
To support our research vision, we have four overarching goals:
- Promote excellence, relevance, and impact of research.
- Develop, strengthen and sustain research partnerships.
- Build and streamline research capacity.
- Organise Emergency Department research.
Research Pillars
Our research is grounded in seven pillars. Learn more about each research pillar