Our Team

Dr Julia Crilly is Professor of Emergency Care. Julia’s research focusses on evaluating innovative service delivery models for vulnerable populations groups who require emergency care as well as understanding and improving aspects of the emergency department workforce.
Julia is in a conjoint appointment between Gold Coast Health and Griffith University and leads two of the seven pillars within the Emergency Department Collaborative Research Group at Gold Coast Health. She is also a fellow of the College of Emergency Nursing Australasia.
Awards and Achievements
- Gold Coast Women of the Year 'Champions of Education' (2020)
- Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) (2020)
- Bond University Sustainability in Healthcare Awards (2018)
- Australian Institute of Policy and Science Young Tall Poppy Science Award (2010)
- Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) (2020)
- Bond University Sustainability in Healthcare Awards (2018)
- Australian Institute of Policy and Science Young Tall Poppy Science Award (2010)

Dr Gerben Keijzers is adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine. His research revolves around topics relevant to clinical practice in critical care, with special interest in sepsis, appropriateness of antibiotic use and respiratory medicine. He encourages curiosity and critical thinking.
Gerben’s research related roles at Gold Coast Health include Emergency Department Collaborative Research Group Chair, Research Council member, clinical trials steering committee member and Human Research Ethics Committee member.
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Awards/Achievements - Honorary Professor of Emergency Medicine at Bond University- Associate Professor at Griffith University
- Gold Coast Health Researcher of the Year (2023)
- Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) Outstanding Contribution to Emergency Medicine Research (2018)

Dr Victoria Brazil is an emergency physician and medical educator. She is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Simulation at Gold Coast Health, and at Bond University medical program.
Victoria is interested in connecting education with patient care through healthcare simulation, technology enabled learning, faculty development activities, and research on relationships between teams in healthcare. She also serves as a faculty member with the Harvard Macy Institute.
Victoria is an enthusiast in social media and the Free Open Access Meducation world, and she is co-producer of Simulcast.
Awards/Achievements - Presidential Citation. Society for Simulation in Healthcare. January 2017 For Singular Talent as a Medical Educator, Simulationist and Debriefer who taught the world about tribalism in healthcare. Awarded New Orleans IMSH Conference- Certificate of appreciation: International conference invited conference session chair, Social Media and Critical Care, Berlin, Germany

Dr Shane George is a paediatric critical care physician working in paediatric emergency medicine and paediatric intensive care at Gold Coast University Hospital. He is the clinical lead for children’s critical care research for Gold Coast Health, and is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Queensland and Griffith University.
Dr Shane George is also an early career researcher interested in research that improves the safety of airway procedures in critical care and using haemostatic resuscitation techniques to reduce blood product requirements in paediatric haemorrhage.
He is a member of the Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International collaborative (PREDICT) and the ANZICS Paediatric Study Group, collaborating on numerous multicentre projects.

Amy Sweeny is an epidemiologist and registered nurse with two decades of experience in hospital-based research. She is a lecturer at Griffith University and an Honorary Adjunct Assistant Professor at Bond University. She currently works as the research development manager for the Emergency Department Collaborative Research Group and is responsible for tracking research projects and their outputs and supervising students from both Bond and Griffith Universities. She often assists with study development and statistical analysis across the research pillars.
She is an investigator on research projects related to improving intravenous cannulation practices in adults and children, the care of vulnerable populations, and disaster preparedness.
She is interested in communicable diseases, cardiovascular diseases, developing emergency medicine and the application of machine learning to improve healthcare.
- Queensland Health’s Artificial Intelligence Hub Datathon winner (2020)

Dr Stuart Watkins is an Emergency Physician at the Gold Coast University Hospital where he is the supervisor for the ED focused ultrasound program.
Main portfolio interests are focused ultrasound, improving procedural safety and ED Systems. He is a regular faculty member for ultrasound training workshops local, national and internationally.
Dr Watkins is a member of ASUM and the ACEM ultrasound subcommittee. He leads the ED program to improve intravenous cannulation practice and the use of ultrasound guidance to improve success and patient care. To support the training of ultrasound to clinicians we need to develop strong governance systems and proof of effect through research, audit and peer support.

Dr Peter Snelling is a dual qualified Emergency Physician and Paediatrician with a special interest in Paediatric Emergency Medicine Point-of-care Ultrasound (PEM POCUS). He has undertaken an international traineeship in PEM POCUS at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children and is a member of the international P2 Network. He holds a Certificate in Clinician Performed Ultrasound through ASUM. He is currently a PhD candidate through Griffith University with the theme of the use of ultrasound for paediatric forearm injuries. His portfolios within the Emergency Department include paediatrics and ultrasound.
Awards/Achievements - Associate Professor at Griffith University
Dr Richard Pellatt is a Research Fellow and Emergency Medicine specialist at GCUH. His research interests include advanced airway management, minor injuries and pre-hospital aeromedical retrieval. He complements evidence based practice with a contemplative and artistic approach.
Awards/Achievements - ACEM Trainee of the Year, Gold Coast University Hospital 2016Connect with Dr Pellatt:

Donna Franklin is a Paediatric Research Fellow and a Registered Nurse with more than 30 year’s experience in Paediatric Critical Care. Her research is primarily focused on respiratory medicine and investigating oxygen therapies in paediatrics to reduce the need for escalation of care. She works across ICU, General Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine with her research and in recent years has performed several successful large multicentre international RCT’s. As an early career researcher Donna is continuing to build on strong collaborations with PREDICT and international collaborations with India, Bangladesh and China for future research.
Awards/Achievements - Lions Dunning-Orlich NHMRC Emerging Leadership Investigator Award (2021)- Nursing Co-Chair for World Federation of Pediatric Critical Care Societies Research Committees (WFPICCs), specifically aimed at LMIC’s
- First author on a landmark paper in the highest ranked medical journal “New England Journal of Medicine”, ranked as a single international publication in the top 95% (Altmetrics May 2019)
- Led and co-authored Clinical Services Capability Framework for Qld Paediatric services (2010-2012)
- Most Outstanding Australian Alumni of the Year Award, Southern Cross University, Tweed Heads campus (2018)
- Most Outstanding National Australian Alumni of the Year Award, all Southern Cross University campuses Australia wide (2018)

Dinesh was the first quadriplegic medical intern in Queensland, and the second person to graduate medical school with quadriplegia in Australia.
Dinesh earned a Bachelor of Laws (LLB), prior to completing his Doctor of Medicine (MD) at the Griffith University. He has completed an Advanced Clerkship in Radiology at the Harvard University. Halfway through medical school, he was involved in a catastrophic motor vehicle accident that caused a cervical spinal cord injury.
As a result of his injury and experiences, Dinesh has been an advocate for inclusivity in medicine; and the workplace and society broadly. He is a founding member of Doctors with Disabilities Australia.
Dinesh is currently a principal medical officer at the Gold Coast University Hospital. He is a lecturer at the Griffith University and adjunct research fellow at the Menzies Health Institute of Queensland. He has research interests in spinal cord injury, particularly with novel rehabilitation techniques.
Dinesh is the Gold Coast University Hospital’s representative in the Australian Medical Association Queensland’s Council of Doctors in Training. He is a member of the scientific advisory committee of the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation, disability advisory council at Griffith University, and the Ambassador Council at the Hopkins Centre. He is an ambassador for Physical Disability Australia. He is a doctor for the Gold Coast Titans physical disability rugby team.
Awards/Achievements - Queensland Australian of the Year for 2021- Third Australian to be awarded a Henry Viscardi Achievement Award
- Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2019
- Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service’s Junior Doctor of the Year in 2018

Emma is a research coordinator who joined the GCH Emergency Care Research Group in 2020. She supports the ‘Vulnerable Populations’ and ‘Appropriate Emergency Care’ pillars in multiple projects, including the ARISE Fluids RCT, COVERED COVID, BEST-DKA, SPEED-ED and CALD projects. Emma has a special interest in cardiology research and was previously involved with the LEGEND and SAMIE cardiac studies. She additionally works as a research nurse and sessional academic for the School of Nursing at Queensland University of Technology.
Currently, Emma is undertaking the Master of Medical Research program at Griffith University investigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiac-related emergency department presentations.

After finishing medical school in 2014, I discovered my love for Emergency Medicine. I commenced the ACEM training program in 2017 after being offered a position at the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre and completed my Fellowship requirements in mid-2022. I have a longstanding interest in mathematics, which was the subject of my undergraduate degree, and pursued a Master's degree in Biostatistics while completing my ED training. This helped me to achieve my current position as ED Research Fellow at Gold Coast University Hospital.
In many ways, statistics is the language of the medical literature, and I have found this special skill to be invaluable as I pursue my interest in medical research. I enjoy working with teams to analyse data and write papers as well as sharing my knowledge of clinical medicine and critical appraisal with junior doctors. Outside of work, I like playing chess and spending time with Roland, my big black poodle.
My research interests include the COVERED COVID research program and multiple ultrasound research studies through the Sonar Group. For my next project, I am looking to develop an audit program for GCUH ED.
Awards and Achievements
- Master's of Biostatistics
- Member of the Sonar Group (2022)

Riku has a decade of Emergency Nursing experience in Finland and Australia, with the last 5 years spent focusing on improving the care we provide to our paediatric population. His passion for Paediatric Critical Care has led him to coordinate several international multicentre RCTs as well as help implement an array of studies; from fluid resuscitating the septic child to improving safety in the paediatric emergency intubation.
Riku hopes to one day be able to use his experience to conduct his own study, but in the mean time he spends most of his free time chasing his two energetic boys around the beaches/skateparks of Tugun.

Dr Caitlin Brandenburg is a speech pathologist turned researcher who completed her PhD at UQ in 2015. She is a part-time Research Fellow for the Watch-house study, which is investigating the provision of emergency care to detainees in police watch-houses across Queensland. She also holds roles as Health Practitioner Research Fellow at Metro South Health, and Honorary Adjunct Assistant Professor at Bond University.
Caitlin has over 30 academic publications and more than $1 million in competitive research funding in fields as diverse as audiology, occupational therapy, palliative care, trauma, emergency care, speech pathology and paediatric critical care. She specialises in health services evaluation, qualitative and Knowledge Translation methodology. Caitlin’s passion is in supporting frontline clinicians to engage in research.
Awards/Achievements - PAH Research Excellence Awards 2021, Early Career Researcher in Clinical Research finalist- 2016 Stroke Society of Australasia Nursing & Allied Health Scientific Award
- 2016 FreshScience Queensland finalist

Aoife is a research nurse who joined the GCH Emergency Care Research Group in 2021. She supports the ‘Vulnerable Populations’ and ‘Ultrasound’ pillars in multiple projects, including the ARISE Fluids RCT, DART3, BUCKLE and CALD. Aoife has a special interest in emergency research and is involved with the SAMIE and POKIE studies that are being conducted at the Gold Coast University Hospital emergency department.

Jonathan is an emergency nurse with over 10 years of experience in clinical and educational settings, Jonathan has recently joined the research team in 2021. He is passionate about vascular access, trauma, and education.
Currently, he is working on the DART3 Project, looking at improving cannulation practices throughout the health service, and works as a Clinical Facilitator in the Gold Coast University ED. In the future, he aims to perform meaningful research that will improve the care of motorcycle trauma patients. He is an avid motorcyclist and loves spending time with his two gorgeous daughters.

Dr Ranse is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Emergency Care Research Group. His research is recognised internationally, focusing on emergency health care, primarily in the areas of high visibility, high consequence events that are either planned (such as mass gatherings / major events) or unplanned (such as disasters).
Dr Ranse is a Fellow of the Australian College of Nursing and College of Emergency Nursing Australasia, Chair of the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, International Mass Gathering Special Interest Group and Chair of the Australian College of Nursing Disaster Health Community of Interest. Additionally, he previously held high-level strategic role of Chief Nurse for St John Ambulance Australia.
A portfolio of his work is available here: www.jamieranse.com
background:white">Kieran is a paediatic nurse with over a decade of experience in inpatient and emergency settings, he joined the GCH Emergency Care Research Group in 2020 as a research. He supports the ‘Paediatric’ pillars in multiple projects, including the RESPOND RCT, PROMPT Bolus RCT, SENTINEL and RAPIDS Studies. Kieran has a special interest in Paediatric emergency research and Sepsis studies at the Gold Coast University Hospital emergency department.
background:white">He is a member of the Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International collaborative (PREDICT)
Administration and Management

Brittany Skelsey is an experienced Administration and Support Officer for the Emergency Care Research Team. She has supported the team for the last six years organising the operation of daily activities, from coordinating schedules to managing research documentation.
In 2022, Brittany organised the inaugural Gold Coast Health Emergency Care Research Symposium, successfully establishing collaborations with numerous external stakeholders. She secured national speakers and over $20,000 in sponsorship to support the second symposium held in May this year.
Brittany works part time on Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays and is studying full time working towards a Bachelor of Midwifery with Griffith University.