Current projects
Domestic and family violence (DFV), and intimate partner violence against women, is the number…
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Queensland Health’s Artificial Intelligence Hub Datathon winners, 2020: Amy Sweeny, Dr Katya May…
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Ranse, J. (2018). Presentation at the University of Newcastle, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Research Week, Newcastle, NSW, 10th August.
Ranse, K., Ranse, J., & Pelkowitz, M. (2018). Contemporary nurse, 1-11.
Sweeny, A., van den Berg, L., Hocking, J., Renaud, J., Young, S., Henshaw, R., Foster, K. and Howell, T., 2019. A Queensland research support network in emergency healthcare: Collaborating to build the research capacity of more clinicians in more locations. Journal of Health Organization and Management.