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Emergency Department Collaborative Research Group

We are the overarching group for research conducted in the Emergency Department. Our vision is to embed research in clinical practice and education and inform new guidelines and policy.

In 2020, our group published more than 68 articles in peer-reviewed journals, contributed to more than 60 research projects, and were part of successful grant submissions totalling more than $6.38…

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Latest Emergency Department Research News

The Fibrinogen Early In Severe Trauma Study II, known as FEISTY II has begun at Gold Coast Health.

FEISTY II represents a vital step…

Gold Coast Health will host the first ever Emergency Care Research Symposium, continuing to harness innovation to drive the best possible care for…

Violence and threatening behaviour occur regularly in our Emergency Departments with as many as 10 Code Black activations per day, which are often…

Current projects

In 2018, the Gold Coast hosted one of the largest sporting mass gathering events in the country. The Commonwealth Games attracted approximately 1…

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Host Gene Expression Signatures to Diagnose Sepsis in Children, following on from the RAPIDS project: “Host Gene Expression Signatures to Diagnose…

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Traumatic injuries in children are a leading cause of death and disability in Australia. In high income countries, 40% of child deaths are because…

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Point‐of‐care ultrasound‐assisted diagnosis of gastric vessel rupture in a young man presenting with chest pain: A cautionary tale. Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine.

Yasuda, K., Snelling, P.J., Ng, J., Manley, R. and Watkins, S., Point‐of‐care ultrasound‐assisted diagnosis of gastric vessel rupture in a young man presenting with chest pain: A cautionary tale. Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine.  

Effects of the STress-And-coping suppoRT (START) intervention on depression and coping of Chinese women seeking a first-trimester abortion: A randomized controlled trial.

Wang, N., Wang, M., Huang, J., Allen, J., Elder, E., Fu, L., Lu, H., Creedy, D.K. and Gamble, J., 2023. Effects of the STress-And-coping suppoRT (START) intervention on depression and coping of Chinese women seeking a first-trimester abortion: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 324, pp.121-128. 

Epidemiology, treatment, disposition and outcome of patients with acute exacerbation of COPD presenting to emergency departments in Australia and South East Asia: An AANZDEM study

Kelly, A. M., Holdgate, A., Keijzers, G., Klim, S., Graham, C. A., Craig, S., ... & Laribi, S. (2018). Respirology.

Last updated 29 Nov 2019