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Tropical Cyclone Alfred: The Bureau of Meteorology predicts damaging wind gusts and heavy to locally intense rainfall which may lead to dangerous and life-threatening flash flooding as Tropical Cyclone Alfred approaches and crosses the Queensland coast late Thursday/early Friday this week.
Gold Coast Health continues to monitor the situation and is taking necessary steps to prepare for and respond to the severe weather.

Reducing avoidable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease emergency presentations

Quick facts

Principal investigator:
Dr Alex King
Team members:
A/Prof Clint Moloney, A/Prof Gavin Beccaria, Dr Amy Mullens, and Prof Jeffrey Gow
Project commenced:

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the second leading cause of avoidable hospital admissions. Anecdotal evidence indicates over-use of frontline resources (e.g. the Emergency Department), and potential gaps in outreach services (e.g. underutilised services).

This project is a unique collaboration between three non-metropolitan health services in South East Queensland (West Moreton, Darling Downs and Gold Coast).

It will inform referral treatment initiatives’ implementation and evaluation (e.g., anxiety management, smoking cessation referral, and quality intra-professional care programs), based on identified causal factors.


“If we can find ways to tailor care for patients with COPD, this may reduce the need for emergency care, which will be better for patients.”

—Prof Gerben Keijzers

Grants Awarded

Emergency Medicine Foundation

Last updated 19 Aug 2020