Throughout the Gold Coast there are many services on offer for children and families requiring care and support. The team at H2HK-Q Gold Coast may refer you onto another service if more appropriate care and support is required. H2HK- Q Gold Coast works with many of these community providers to enhance support and resources available to address the diverse needs of our community.
Occasionally, children and their families may be referred into a public hospital and health service to receive a higher level of care, or ongoing care for an extended period. The two main tertiary sector services to which H2HK-Q Gold Coast is likely to refer to include Gold Coast Health's Child Development Services (CDS) and Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS).
Child Development Service
Child Development Service (CDS) is a community-based, multidisciplinary service that specialises in the assessment and ongoing support for children and young people with developmental and behavioural concerns. The team at CDS provide diagnostic services, medication prescription and review if indicated. Visit the CDS website for more information.
Child and Youth Mental Health Service
Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) is a free and confidential specialist mental health service for children and young people in the Gold Coast region. Their services may be delivered in the community or within the hospital environment. CYMHS can oversee continuing care of children who require intensive or on-going support. They provide diagnostic services and medication prescription and review if indicated. Visit the CYMHS website for more information.
H2HK-Q-Gold Coast Consortia Partners
H2HK-Q-Gold Coast is proud to partner with various community non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which make up its Consortia with the aim to enhance the support and resources available and address the diverse needs of our community. The H2HK-Q Gold Coast Consortia meets regularly to collaborate, discuss service development and improvement, along with feedback from the community.
Our H2HK-Q Gold Coast Consortia is made up of the following members: