Download the information below as a factsheet.
Information for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection
You have been assessed as being well enough to be cared for at home. Right now, you do not need admission to the hospital.
If you have had a COVID PCR test you will be notified of the result by public health. Many local GPs are providing telehealth consults to support you.
Below is some information to help you care for yourself and your family. Most people will get better with simple measures at home like resting and keeping up oral fluids. Oral rehydration solutions like hydralyte are helpful to drink, and taking paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen for pain and/or fever.
If you or your child/person you care for becomes more unwell you/they may need to come back to the hospital.
- Can’t breathe
- Unconscious/unresponsive
- Collapsed
- Breathing problems
- Struggling to breath
- Too breathless to talk in a sentence
- Out of breath when walking 5 steps
- Grunting noise when breathing
- Behaviour
- Fainting or very drowsy
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Skin
- Skin turning blue or pale or cold and clammy
- Purple spots/rash which doesn’t fade when you press it
- Pain
- Chest pain or pressure in chest
- Severe unexplained pain not helped with paracetamol or ibuprofen
- Other
- Coughing up blood
- Has stopped passing urine or is passing a lot less urine than normal
Let 000 know the patient has COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19 infection. Place the patient in a position that is most comfortable for their breathing.
Learn more about common symptoms of COVID-19.
Rest, fluids and paracetamol or ibuprofen can be helpful for these symptoms. Most people will get better in 48-72 hours. Monitor your symptoms twice a day to check:
Can I...
- get my own food?
- get my own drink?
- get to the toilet?
- take my medications?
If you are unable to do this or are concerned about symptoms at home, you can phone 13 Health (1343 2584) - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or your local GP within business hours.
Helpful Links
Below are some helpful links to manage your and/or your child’s symptoms
First nations people
Child-related resources
- Children’s Health QLD has links to the latest information about COVID-19
- Children’s health QLD advice on caring for your child at home
- Raising Children is a national approved site with helpful information on caring for your child with COVID-19.
Adult and Children resources
This can also be downloaded as an app for free. It has a symptom tracker to help you decide what assistance you need and also has links to local medical services and appointments.