Early intervention or other specialist Child and Youth Mental Health Service programs may be offered for children or young people who have more specific mental health needs.
The Assertive Mobile Youth Outreach Service (AMYOS) team provides mental health assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with severe and/or complex mental health challenges, including a high level of risk, and have been unable to engage with other community mental health services. There is a strong emphasis on working together with family and key service providers. AMYOS is recovery orientated and offers outreach services to consumer and their families.
Who can access this service
- Young people aged between 13-18 years
- Have complex and severe mental health challenges and/or with a high level of risk
- Referrals to the Assertive Mobile Youth Outreach Service are completed by the consumers treating team.
Visit Accessing Care
Southport Health Precinct
Level 5, 16-30 High Street
The Consumer, Carer and Family Participation Team employ people in a variety of lived experience positions including peer workers and carer peer workers.
The team provides a program of recovery-orientated peer connection, education and information for consumers, families, and carers. The team’s goal is to increase consumer, family, and carer participation in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of mental health services.
Please ask a staff member or clinician for a Carers pack (Families/Carers Information and Resource pack ) and how to access Carer peer support through our Lived Experience team.
The Early Psychosis Team provides support and treatment to young adults (15–25 years) who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis. The service aims to provide intensive, assertive outreach, as well as minimising the stigma associated with psychosis, including the impact of distress/trauma on both the young person and their family.
The Early Psychosis Team maintains close links with primary care and other community organisations.
Who can access this service
- Young people aged 15-25 years
- Referrals are through CYMHS Access Team (<18 years), Acute Care Team (>18years) or Inpatient Mental Health Units.
Visit Accessing Care
Find out more psychosis and young people.
Robina Hospital
2 Bayberry Lane
The Eating Disorder Program (EDP) provides assessment and targeted interventions for young people with an eating disorder up to the age of 18 years. Our clinicians have specialist training in evidence-based treatments for eating disorders, providing education and support for families.
As required EDP may offer consultation and liaison to hospital and community mental health services and primary care providers. Ongoing care is provided through CYMHS Continuing Care Team.
Who can access this service
Young people under 18 years of age with a diagnosed eating disorder. Visit Accessing Care
Find out more about eating disorders and young people.
Southport Health Precinct
Level 5, 16-30 High Street
Robina Health Precinct
Level 3, 2 Campus Crescent
The Ed-LinQ Program improves linkages and support between schools (Department of Education and Training, Catholic Education, Independent Schools Qld), primary care, community and mental health services. It’s focus is on early detection and collaborative care of school-aged children and young people experiencing or at risk of mental health problems or mental illness.
Ed-LinQ is a service that does not work directly with young people or parents/carers but works with schools and service providers to facilitate early access to mental health advice.
Ed-LinQ Coordinators provide actions and capability building to schools that increase the knowledge, skills and understanding of stakeholders regarding mental health problems and mental illness in school aged children and young people and in regard to working collaboratively for better outcomes.
Who can assess this service
- Child and youth mental health clinicians
- School staff (Principals, guidance staff, wellbeing teams, school-based youth health nurses, teachers)
- Non-government organisation staff
- Primary care providers
- Private practitioners
Website: Statewide Ed-LinQ program | Service details | CHQ
Robina Health Precinct
Level 3, 2 Campus Crescent
Phone: 0403 604 194
Email: CymhsEdLinQ@health.qld.gov.au
Evolve Therapeutic Services (ETS) provides specialist mental health assessment and therapeutic intervention to children and adolescents (under 18 years) involved with QLD Child Protection Services and experiencing severe and/or complex mental health challenges. ETS provides intense support to the child or adolescent and key stakeholders including carers, family and other professionals (e.g. Child Safety Officer, Guidance officers, teachers, residential workers).
Who can access this service
- Young people aged between <18 years with severe and/or complex mental health challenges
- Must be involved with QLD Child Protection Services and/or subject to a formal QLD Child Protection Order
- Referrals to ETS must be made by the young person’s Child Safety Officer
Visit Accessing Care
Southport Health Precinct
Level 5, 16-30 High Street
Head to Health Kids Queensland (H2HK-Q) Gold Coast Service is dedicated to supporting children under 12 years of age and their families who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health challenges, such as school anxiety and making friends.
We work with families to manage mental health challenges by combatting stress, improving relationships, and helping to solve some of life’s problems. H2HK-Q Gold Coast works from multiple locations in the region making access to our service easy.
Visit Head to Health Kids Queensland (H2HK-Q) Gold Coast Service for more information.
The Nurse Navigator (NN) Service assists families of children and young people under the age of 18 with complex conditions navigate mental health services ensuring access to services in the right place, at the right time and by the right health care professional or provider.
The NN service provides a range of support aimed at educating and empowering families to be actively involved in their child’s care and treatment and utilises the four pillars of nurse navigation: Coordination of Care, Creating Partnerships, Improving Patient Outcomes, and Facilitating System Improvement.
Who can access this service
Children and adolescents with complex mental health needs aged 0-25 years already under the care of Child & Youth Mental Health Services. Visit Accessing Care
Southport Health Precinct
Level 5, 16-30 High Street
Project Air is a brief intervention program within CYMHS aimed at enhancing treatment options for people aged between 12-25 years with an emerging personality vulnerability. This service provides treatment to patients with complex mental health needs, who are experiencing self-harm and personality disorders. Project Air provides Gold Card clinics and other evidence-based treatment interventions in community or inpatient settings.
Who can access this service
- Young people aged between 12 and 25 years with emerging personality vulnerabilities
- Referrals are made through the CYMHS community or inpatient services, or through the Acute Care Team (adults).
- Consumer must be open to a treating team within CYMHS
Visit Accessing Care
Robina Health Precinct
Level 3, 2 Campus Crescent
This is a comprehensive assessment and response pathway to children, young people, and their families who are experiencing suicidal ideation and guides the approach of all clinicians. You cannot be referred to the SPP however you may hear this phrase from our staff if you have experienced recent suicide attempts or suicidal ideation.
The SPP is a framework of care, supported by evidence that ensures children and young people are provided a safety plan through risk formulation, lethal means counselling, and a face-to-face consultation follow-up with a CYMHS clinician.
The program also provides education and information to support and assist families and carers in their caring roles. The program activities include consultation, liaison/advocacy, direct peer support, education programs and community partnerships.
Who can access this service
The SPP is for any young person that presents to the mental health service and is identified as requiring this level of care. Visit Accessing Care
The Adolescent Day Program (ADP) provides specialist multidisciplinary assessment and integrated treatment and rehabilitation to young people aged 13-18 years with severe and persistent mental illness which results in severe psychosocial impairment and disengagement from school and educational opportunities.
Current CYMHS consumers will access the program at Robina Hospital. Provision of a personalised plan of clinical services and interventions by the clinical team will be provided to consumers as well as education services delivered by teachers from the Department of Education (QLD).
Who can access this service
- Current CYMHS consumers aged 13-18 years
- Referrals to the ADP are completed by the consumers treating team.
Robina Hospital
2 Bayberry Lane