Friday 25 November 2022 marked the official launch of the Gold Coast Health First Nations Health Equity Strategy.
Gold Coast Health is committed to a new way of working together with the local First Nations community, delivering real outcomes and lasting change through a genuine partnership approach of co-design, co-ownership and co-implementation.
We have partnered with Yugambeh Regional Aboriginal Corporation Alliance (YRACA) and Kalwun Development Corporation, and are working in consultation with a number of key stakeholders including the Gold Coast Primary Health Network (GCPHN), to deliver this strategy across the state.
Through this strategy we aim to:
- work with First Nations peoples and organisations to close the health gap
- answer to the communities that we serve
- build better health services for Gold Coast Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members.
Together we worked with 2400 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to develop this strategy and will collaborate with many more throughout the implementation process.
By incorporating local First Nation's voices and notions of health and well-being into health service delivery models, and working with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to design and implement these models, we can achieve better health outcomes, and ensure services are culturally relevant to the needs and values of First Nations peoples.
The launch event was hosted at Kalwun Development Corporation and brought together community members and Elders, as well as Gold Coast Health executives, board members, staff and stakeholders, to celebrate this momentous occasion.
We had the privilege of listening to Glen Barry open the event on didgeridoo and were welcomed to country by Uncle John Graham. We watched the Aboriginal dance group – Biren, as well as the Torres Strait Islander dancers – Mabuyag, who shared their culture and traditions through song and dance.
This is an exciting step for Gold Coast Health as we work towards health equity and improved health outcomes for the First Nation’s community.
Find out more about the strategy here.