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Queensland General Practitioners (GPs) have online access to patient information through Queensland Health’s read-only application, The Viewer.

Providing GPs with access to The Viewer (GPTV) is a key initiative of the Specialist Outpatient Strategy: Improving the patient journey by 2020 which aims to improve the patient journey.

What is The Viewer?

The Viewer provides consolidated clinical information about each patient who receives treatment or care at a Queensland Health facility.

The Viewer is a web-based application that displays key patient information from a number of Queensland Health clinical and administrative systems, such as pathology results, radiology results, medications, allergies and alerts, care plans, as well as discharge summaries.


Providing GPs in Queensland with access to their patient’s clinical information via The Viewer will:

  • provide real-time and accurate access to medical information
  • reduce duplication of diagnostic testing
  • help ensure more consistent, timely and coordinated care.

Consumer choice

GPs can now view your public hospital healthcare information online

General practitioners will be granted secure (read-only) online access to your healthcare information only once their personal and professional identity has been confirmed.

Providing general practitioners with secure online access to patient healthcare information from Queensland’s public hospitals will improve your treatment outcomes.  Having access to more detailed recent information will enable your general practitioner to make better-informed medical decisions about your care.

Sharing your hospital records with your general practitioner will:

  • ensure your general practitioner and the Queensland Health clinical staff involved in your care have timely access to your public healthcare information
  • lessen your likelihood of being referred for duplicate tests or being re-admitted to hospital
  • reduce your need to recall and describe details of your recent treatments when visiting your general practitioner.

What if I don’t want my general practitioner to see my public healthcare information online?

If you would prefer that your treating general practitioner did not have online access to your public healthcare information, you have the right to opt-out.  You can do this by calling 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).  Translation and interpreter services can be arranged to assist with the opt-out process.

GPTV information sheets

More information

If you would like more information about GPTV, you can visit the GCH GPTV internet page or or contact Clinical Informatics  on (07) 5687 7711 or .

Last updated 07 Sep 2020