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Open Access Journal Publication (Fee Support)

SERTA provides funding support for peer-reviewed journal publications as a key initiative that aligns with Gold Coast Health’s strategic goal to meet evolving patient need through clinical research, innovation and transformation.

Eligible Gold Coast Health employees as first or last (senior) author qualify for one ‘approved’ application per year (based on a 12-month period from date of last approval) to support journal publication fees to a maximum of AUD 5,000 (any costs in excess of AUD 5,000 will be the responsibility of the author, operational area or other nominated source). 

Adding value in research

Clinicians from all specialities across Gold Coast Health are increasingly engaged in research activities to improve the health and wellbeing of our patients.  
This is reflected in the breadth and quality of publications authored by Gold Coast Health staff.

What you need to know

Funding applications will be assessed using three broad steps:

  1. Eligibility check
  2. Assessment of the quality of the requested journal
  3. Supporting documentation check
    • Initial library check
    • Line Manager letter of support
    • Manuscript (final draft submitted to publisher). Refer to the FAQ's for further information.
    • Evidence attesting to the journal’s article fee (e.g. a screenshot of the journal’s webpage that stating the applicable fee or a copy of an email listing the fees)

Last updated 31 Oct 2024