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Queensland Youth Cancer Service (QYCS)

A cancer diagnosis during the adolescent and young adult years can be highly challenging for young people and their families. Being a young adult is not easy at the best of times – finances, work, study, sexuality, independence, peers…… you name it, it’s all happening!

The Queensland Youth Cancer Services works in partnership with the cancer specialists in your hospital to ensure all aspects your health and well-being are considered during treatment and beyond.

Queensland Youth Cancer Services provide young patients 15 -25 years of age with:

  • specialist care by an expert team of medical, nursing and allied health professionals with experience in treating cancer in young people
  • treatment that is planned and managed by a multidisciplinary team
  • a designated Cancer Care Coordinator– a nursing or allied health consultant who will be their personal guide through the complexities of treatment at this age
  • psychosocial care to meet the unique needs of young people, including help coping with cancer and side effects, and help returning to your family, community, school and/or work after treatment ends
  • access to fertility preservation information and options
  • improved access to new clinical trials and research
  • respect – treatment and support that recognises and values individual diversity
  • referrals to community agencies for ongoing support outside of hospital


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Updated Date

Last updated 08 Sep 2020