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Independent Patient Rights Advisors

What is an Independent Patient Rights Advisor (IPRA)?

As an authorised mental health service, Gold Coast Health have systems in place to ensure that patients, the patient’s nominated support persons, family, carers and other support persons are advised of their rights and responsibilities under the Mental Health Act 2016

You can expect that your treating team and people involved in your care keep will you informed of your rights and responsibilities. 

In addition to information and advice that you receive from the treating team, we have appointed Independent Patient Rights Advisors (IPRA).  IPRAs are available to provide advice to people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and are currently receiving treatment through Gold Coast Health.

To maintain independence, Advisors are employed separately to the Mental Health Service.

Who can contact the Independent Patient Rights Advisor Service for advice?

IPRAs are available to provide advice to people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and are currently receiving treatment through Gold Coast Health.  IPRAs may also provide advice to nominated support persons, family members, carers and other support people.

What advice is available from the Independent Patient Rights Advisor Service?

IPRAs can help people to:

  • understand their rights under the Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld)
  • express their views about treatment and care
  • access legal advice and support for Mental Health Review Tribunal appearances
  • express concerns and make complaints
  • understand the benefits of making an Advance Health Directive and the steps involved to create one.

Contact details

A member of the treating team may arrange a referral into the Independent Patient Rights Advisor Service, or you can contact the Service directly on 1800 316 678  or

Monday to Friday from 7am–5pm

Last updated 08 Jul 2022