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Get involved

The Gold Coast Child & Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) are dedicated to working with young people and their families to continually improve the healthcare and services we provide.

The Family Advisory Council (FAC) is an opportunity for families and carers to ensure our services are meeting the needs of young people and their families.

Members of the Family Advisory Council will:

  • Work in partnership with CYMHS staff to achieve a family-centred care approach to service planning and delivery
  • Represent the interests of all families using CYMHS Gold Coast Mental Health services.
  • Provide guidance to the executive team and staff on the development and review of our services
  • Opportunities to participate in CYMHS working groups and special projects
  • Have a lived experience of caring for a young person who has accessed the Gold Coast Child &Youth Mental Health Service

Your lived experience is valued and can contribute to the continual improvement of the services we provide.

To register your interest contact CYMHS Family Advisory Council on 

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Updated Date

Last updated 16 Aug 2022