Gold Coast Health strongly supports woman and family centred care.
We recognise birth as a significant event in a family’s history and journey in life.
Birth is a special time and birthing Services endeavour to provide various models of care to ensure women’s unique needs and expectations can be fulfilled.
We respect informed choice and encourage women to actively participate in making decisions about the health and well-being of their family.
We have 11 family centred birthing rooms with birthing pools for water immersion or water birth.
We provide a collaborative multidisciplinary approach to provide midwifery care to all women with both low risk and high risk pregnancies
The facilities enable early discharge home for women and babies who have an uncomplicated birth. This allows a more family centred approach and promotes birth as a normal life event returning the family to their home and family support. Our home visiting team provide ongoing support with infant feeding and early parenting needs.