Gold Coast Health can facilitate Clinical Trials of medicinal products, medical devices and biologics of all phases, from first-in-human to Phase IV. We welcome commercial opportunities across the health, medicine, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. Our large recruitment pool and referral network includes people living in regional, rural, and remote communities.
In collaboration with our partner organisations, we are driving future-focused change through a collective approach to address national, state and local initiatives and improve the translation of current evidence into healthcare practices and policies.
Many departments throughout Gold Coast Health are Clinical Trial active and we have a dedicated Clinical Trial Unit to support health professionals offer Clinical Trial opportunities to our patients. The Gold Coast Health Clinical Trials Advisory Committee (CTAC) has oversight of the overall governance for clinical trial activity and service provision across Gold Coast Health, including Teletrials partner activity.
Gold Coast Health will be assessed against the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework. The Governance Framework embeds clinical trials into routine health service provision and strengthens the clinical and corporate governance arrangements for governments, hospital administrators, health services, private companies, trial sponsors and trial investigators and defines a clinical trial as "any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes."