Twelve Gold Coast Health midwives use the Birth Centre in Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH) to deliver the successful model of care to more than 450 women a year.
The family-centred care gives expectant mothers continuity in care with a primary midwife throughout their pregnancy, birth and early weeks following birth, including home visits.
Midwifery Group Practice Clinical Midwife Consultant Paula Stanton said the milestone coincided with International Day of the Midwife (5 May).
“It’s important we recognise the great work of the midwives in our service who deliver the group practice which is holistic and addresses women’s social, emotional, physical, physiological, spiritual and cultural needs and expectations,” Ms Stanton said.
Stacy Jukes, the first mother to birth through the Gold Coast Midwifery Group Practice, joined today’s celebrations at GCUH.
Her second daughter Emma was born on 18 May, 2006.
“For me it was about the personalised approach, building trust with my midwife and knowing who will be there (at the birth) on the night,” Ms Jukes said.
“I was absolutely thrilled when I was able to achieve that. I think it’s great that Gold Coast Health has continued to embrace this model of care.”
Volunteer group Friends of the Birth Centre – Gold Coast has successfully partnered with Gold Coast Health to fundraise for items such as wall art, LED candles and other elements to transform birthing rooms into calming and tranquil environments.
“Every woman deserves the right to get to birth the way she wants to in the type of environment where she feels most comfortable,” President Anna Glanzen said.