Registrars and consultants have shared real world tips with the next generation of clinicians.
The careers expo and networking event was part of Gold Coast Health’s fourth annual Careers Month which includes a series of workshops and information to help Junior Medical Officers and medical students secure work in the health industry, whether in the hospital setting or General Practice.
The event linked more than 100 junior medical officers, 50 senior medical officers and more than 100 medical students with training organisations, over fifteen vocational colleges and some of Gold Coast Health’s most experienced clinicians and researchers.
After the networking event, Careers counsellor Andy Pocock from LivingReal delivered an excellent keynote presentation.
Then Dr Victoria Brazil, an emergency specialist and simulation trainer, hosted a panel discussion titled ‘A day in the life…’ involving ED education registrar Dr Warwick Isaacson, consultant surgeon Dr Rhea Liang, psychiatry registrar Dr Jennifer Panther, Dr Simon Pattulo, a consultant anaesthetist and GP Dr Natasha Yates.
Bond University fifth-year Medical Student Georgia Powell said: "I really enjoyed the opportunity to hear from senior doctors and their journey to choosing a specialisation. I have attended two career nights now and have found both valuable experiences."
Junior Doctor Michelle Peterson said the event was enjoyable and offered something to learn for everyone.
“Careers night was an enriching, informative evening that provided helpful advice in terms of specialties and future career pathways for medical students and doctors alike,” Dr Peterson said.