If these walls could talk there may be jungle sounds roaring through the children’s ward at Gold Coast University Hospital.
Colourful murals - themed jungle fever, enchanted forest and under the sea – now adorn three walls in the paediatric inpatient unit.
Staff say the artworks have brightened up the ward. The water-themed wall behind the day stay admissions counter has provided the perfect backdrop for Warwick, the ward’s resident fish, who was presented to the unit by a staff member who moved to the outback Queensland town.
Acting Nurse Unit Manager Catherine Walker said the wall art was the first stage in adding colour to the children’s inpatient unit.
Stage two will involve wall decorations in treatment rooms.
“We are also looking to get a local artist to do some of the designs for the next run in the ward and Children’s Critical Care Unit,” Ms Walker said.
More than just pretty pictures – the picture in the lounge sitting area has an interactive component. Patients and their families are able to use a worksheet and complete activities such as finding pine cones etc in the picture.