More Gold Coast school students will get an insight in to how their decisions can have long-term consequences with the return of the Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma In Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) program in 2022.
This month, Year 11 students from the All Saints Anglican School (ASAS) were the first cohort for the year to visit the Gold Coast University Hospital to learn about trauma care and the consequences of risk-taking behaviour.
At each session, Gold Coast Health staff, including nurses from the trauma team and surgeons, talk about the kinds of injuries they have dealt with and trauma injury survivors share their stories.
All Saints students Abbey Folo and Sienna Hepburn said seeing the effects of trauma made the experience more compelling.
“It was confronting, especially talking to someone that’s gone through it,” Sienna said.
Teacher Nicole Sweeney said the experience was valuable for students and the school participated regularly.
“We get really good feedback from the kids, it really makes them rethink their choices,” Nicole said.
“It has an impact and, when we get back to school, we talk about the fact that it’s about being safe and taking safety measures to ensure these things don’t happen."
Make a booking for the P.A.R.T.Y. program.