Gold Coast Health’s Interventional Neurovascular specialists impressed an audience of more than 600 physicians at a conference in India when they performed a complex endovascular brain aneurysm procedure via video link from Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH).
Associate Professor Hal Rice and the Neurointerventional Radiology team performed the livestream video as a key feature of the fourth annual conference for the Society of Therapeutic Neuro Intervention in Kolkata in February.
The livestream allowed Dr Rice to talk through each step, and explain the complexities and technicality of the treatment with a robust question and answer session following the procedure.
Associate Professor Rice said the 30 minute ‘brain aneurysm masterclass’ was a great success.
“Feedback from the conference organisers in India was that it was an immensely positive learning experience for the eminent international faculty,” Dr Rice said.
“To be able to demonstrate such a delicate, life-saving procedure in real-time was a great privilege and showcased once again to the world the incredible team and facilities we have here at GCUH.
“My sincere thanks goes to our IT team who worked tirelessly with the video production crew and ensured a seamless high-quality video and audio connection during the live feed to the audience in Kolkata.”