Michael Barwon-Parry knew he made the right move when he relocated from regional Queensland to the Gold Coast six months ago, but now believes it could have been a life-saving decision.
The Gold Coast Health employee, who fits plaster casts to patients with broken bones, suffered a heart attack earlier this year and says he may not be alive today without the quick treatment by Queensland Ambulance Service paramedics and Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH) doctors.
“It didn’t seem life-threatening at the time but I knew it was something I’ve never experienced before,” he said.
Within 45 minutes of calling an ambulance, Mr Barwon-Parry was in the GCUH catheterization lab having a stent inserted in one of his heart arteries by a cardiologist.
“I’m grateful for the swift, high quality of care I received,” he said. “If this had happened when I was living in regional Queensland and driving two hours between home and my workplace, I may not have lived to tell the tale.
“In 1963 my dad died of a heart attack. To know what technology and practices we have in place today here at GCUH is absolutely fantastic.”
Mr Barwon-Parry showed his gratitude when he was reunited today with GCUH Emergency Registrar Dr Megan McGonagle and Queensland Ambulance Service Critical Care Paramedic Lisa Staples and Advanced Care Paramedic Jessica Taylor.
“As a paramedic, it’s the greatest reward seeing Michael back on his feet and doing what he does best - helping put others back together,” Ms Taylor said.
“We don’t always hear how our patients are doing after we transport them to hospital, so when we do it is extra special.”
The health scare has also prompted Mr Barwon-Parry to give up smoking.
“As a patient you really owe it to the professionals who saved your life to live a healthy lifestyle,” he said.