As the pandemic transitions to a new chapter, we will close our remaining COVID-19 Vaccination Centres at Coomera and Tugun on 14 April.
Executive Director responsible for the COVID-19 Response Paula Duffy said the closure of the centres was an historic moment for Gold Coast Health and its involvement in the pandemic response.
“Gold Coast Health has supported the local COVID-19 response and administered more than 405,000 vaccines over the last 12 months,” said Ms Duffy.
“We are now transitioning to a time where the community can get their vaccinations through local GPs and pharmacies.
“It doesn’t mean the pandemic is over. It means we have reached point where most of the population is now vaccinated, and the work can be continued by our colleagues in the community.
“I’m immensely grateful to Gold Coasters for their enthusiasm to get vaccinated. The entire team at Gold Coast Health thanks you,” said Ms Duffy.
Until 14 April, vaccinations and boosters will continue to be offered daily from 9.30am to 5pm (Coomera) and 8.30am-4pm (Tugun).
Pop-up clinics will operate throughout the school holidays from 9am to 2pm daily at the following locations:
- 8 – 13 April, Arundel State School, 185 Napper Rd Arundel
- 8 – 12 April, Coombabah State High School, 550 Pine Ridge Road
- 23 April – 24 April, Southport High School, 75 Smith St Motorway, Southport
- 30 April – 1 May, Southport High School, 75 Smith St Motorway, Southport
More information on vaccination options is available on the national COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Finder: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covid-19-vaccine-clinic-finder