Health professionals, academics, clinical researchers, biomedical scientists and students will gather today for the first day of the annual Gold Coast Health Research Week Conference.
The free, two-day conference will showcase the outcomes of research and highlight its role in helping the Gold Coast to stay at the cutting edge of health care in Australia.
The changing landscape of health data will be the focus of the keynote and panel discussion this morning, which is led by Professor Sallie Pearson from the University of New South Wales.
On Thursday, local researcher Dr Arman Sabet will discuss a local cannabis clinical trial as an exemplar of physician-led clinical research incorporated into a Medical Grand Rounds with Professor Malcolm MacLeod from the University of Edinburgh.
Dr Jeremy Wellwood, Gold Coast Health’s Executive Director of Clinical Governance, Education and Research, said research was a major focus for the health service.
“Strong research collaborations are essential to help us deliver better health care for the Gold Coast, and our research capacity is growing,” he said.
“We now have more than 200 active research projects happening in areas like leukaemia and paediatric emergency care, and events like this give our own clinical researchers the chance to learn from the best of the best.”
The conference – run in partnership with Griffith, Bond and Southern Cross universities – is the premier forum for health and medical research on the Gold Coast and is a key event held during the Gold Coast Health Research and Quality Week from 12 to 16 November.
“Griffith University is delighted to partner with Gold Coast Health again to showcase how critical it is for clinical and academic researchers to collaborate to solve some of the complex health problems we face,” said Pro Vice Chancellor (Health) Professor Sheena Reilly.
The full program includes themed abstract sessions, three-minute lightning talk sessions, and other special events.