Gold Coast University Hospital Registered Nurse Melanie Coster has provided a touching personal insight into the wonderful work of our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in an interview with Griffith University’s school of Health.
The interview coincides with the release of the annual QS World University Rankings which have placed Griffith University’s Nursing and Midwifery programs at 29th in the world. Almost 160 graduate nurses are currently working across Gold Coast University and Robina Hospitals, many of which are enrolled in Griffith’s nursing programs.
Mel explains what she loves most about her delicate work and how Gold Coast Health has supported her transition from graduate to RN through ongoing professional development.
“I am a Registered Nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Gold Coast University Hospital. I am a newer clinician to the NICU unit. I have been here just under 12 months. I have done my rotation in special care and now I am doing my rotation through NICU. My primary role here as a registered nurse is being allocated our patients of the day, which can be generally two patients and caring for babies needing respiratory support and support with nutrition,” Mel said.
“We are an eight bed unit at the moment and we are receiving babies from around 24 weeks of gestation or viability of life. We are a new unit and we are developing our knowledge and skills towards tertiary level care. In this nursing environment we are forever learning, so doing our transition to practice is supporting and making sure we are getting the foundation to build those skills with knowledge and practical experience.”
“It has also been a very good foundation to help decide what areas of study to go into whether it be respiratory, cardiovascular, neurovascular or family centred care.”
“It is a such special environment to work in and we are very lucky to be caring for these babies, to see them grow, gain strength and tolerate their feeds. It’s an amazing experience to be able to watch and to share that progress with the parents and be able to support them.”
“My aspirations are to finish my studies and to keep advancing my skills and knowledge in this area because it is a forever-learning field and there is new evidence based research out there as well. I always aim to provide exceptional care for the babies and families and to do this you need to constantly expand your knowledge and education.”
“My advice to others is that it is something you have to love and be passionate about. It is worth every bit of the study and hard work that goes with it. It is very rewarding. It is a privilege being part of these families’ lives.”
You can read about the recent QS World University Rankings here https://app.secure.griffith.edu.au/news/2016/03/22/nursing-climbs-up-th…