Gold Coast residents are reminded they can access free family-friendly community immunisation clinics to ensure their vaccinations remain up to date.
All clinics are using COVID safe practices, but please do not attend an immunisation clinic if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.
No appointments are required, simply turn up with your Medicare card and you or your child’s vaccination or personal health record. Those who require catch up vaccinations should contact the Public Health Unit beforehand.
Dr Vicki Slinko from the Gold Coast Public Health Unit said some serious and even life-threatening diseases are prevented by vaccination, particularly for young children.
“To prevent children from contracting diseases such as meningococcal disease, measles, whooping cough, influenza or chicken pox, parents need to make sure their kids benefit from the free vaccination program offered at clinics all over the Coast,’’ Dr Slinko said.
“We don’t see diseases like diphtheria and polio in our community because of public immunisation programs. However, if we don’t get our kids vaccinated and rates fall, we could start to see these diseases return.
“For instance, following large outbreaks overseas, 2019 was Queensland’s worst year for measles since 1997, with 74 cases recorded.
“Measles is such a highly contagious virus as it is spreads through the air and the complications from it can lead to serious illness and even death. The best way to protect against this disease is through vaccination.
For older people, it is important to remember there are also specific vaccinations recommended for them including the shingles vaccine and one that protects against some types of pneumonia.
“Vaccination is a simple and effective way to protect yourself and the people around you who can’t receive their own vaccinations for medical reasons or because they are too young,” Dr Slinko said.
Vaccines on the National Immunisation Program Schedule Queensland are provided for free. For a full list of clinic times and locations visit https://www.goldcoast.health.qld.gov.au/our-services/immunisation/free-… or phone 1800 940 750 for more information.