Gold Coast Health has won both state and national awards as part of a unique life-saving blood drive with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.
From 1 April – 1 July health organisations across the nation competed to see who could save the most lives through blood donation in the Red Cross Blood Service’s Red25 Health Services Challenge.
Employees throughout Gold Coast Health made 123 donations, saving 369 lives and won the national award for the highest number of new donors. This national award saw 30 of their team stepping up to donate for the very first time and make a lifesaving difference to nearly 100 patients in need.
In addition to the national award, Gold Coast Health took out the award for the highest year on year growth in Queensland, with a staggering 786% growth.
Gold Coast Health Executive Director for People and Engagement Hannah Bloch said the team at Gold Coast Health are always the first to lead by example and roll up their sleeves to make a difference.
“Each and every day, we see first-hand how vital blood donation is to save lives. I was one of the donors, as were many more of our team,” Ms Bloch said.
Blood Service spokesperson Belinda Smetioukh said Gold Coast Health staff involved in the Health Services Challenge, were to be congratulated for their amazing efforts.
“We hope their example will encourage other staff members and the wider public to join the cause and give others a second chance at life,” she said.
“We also urge all our Health Services Challenge groups to continue donating despite the Challenge being officially over as the need for blood never stops.”
The Health Services Challenge is part of the Blood Service’s Red25 program, a unique movement in which groups and organisations around Australia unite to save lives through blood donation.
To donate call 13 14 95 or visit donateblood.com.au.