It is said that every cloud has a silver lining.
For the family of adorable Indigo, that dark grey cloud was learning of her T-Cell Lymphoma diagnosis, aged just 15 months, and the lengthy chemotherapy battle that lay ahead.
Two-and half-years of treatment felt like a lifetime to Mum, Ella.
“The silver lining was that we now feel like we have such close friends, even a family, at Gold Coast University Hospital,” Ella said. “Coming here for treatment has always been like stepping into a second home.”
“We were always in such good hands when we would turn up in the middle of the night to the Paediatric Ward,” she said, “especially when Indie had a lung infection after battling COVID.”
Their ‘second home’ in Children’s Outpatients is always filled with joyful play, bubbles and balloons – Indie’s favourites – thanks to her care team, including Nurses, Liz and Emma (pictured) who would go above and beyond to raise smiles and laughter.
In little over a week Indie’s treatment will finally be complete.
“We are so incredibly lucky to have this relationship with the beautiful team at Gold Coast University Hospital,” Ella said.
“Finishing treatment is bittersweet because we will miss our nursing family.”
Well done, Indigo!!