Gold Coast Health welcomed a visit from two clinicians from the Solomon Islands recently, who toured Gold Coast University Hospital on a trip to Australia following their attendance at an Emergency Medicine conference in Melbourne.
Dr Trina Sale (Director of ED, National Referral Hospital Honiara Solomon Islands) and Nurse Kristalee Horoto (Clinical Nurse Consultant, Honiara ED), made the visit following a recent trip to the Solomon Islands by a team of Gold Coast Coast Health Clinicians led by Dr James Fink.
Dr Fink organised for the Solomon clinicians to visit the Gold Coast University Hospital Emergency Department and several other areas of the hospital, and the two women met with several of the clinicians who travelled to the Solomons. The following day, they took part in a paediatric ED education session with Robina Hospital Emergency Department staff.
“It was wonderful to see the facilities at Gold Coast University Hospital and meet friends we made on the recent visit. Even in our short time on the Gold Coast we took some learnings that we can apply to our own hospital in Honiara,” Dr Sale said.
“We look forward to continuing to learn from each other into the future.”
There is hope for a growing relationship between Gold Coast Health and health service professionals and the Solomon Islands, building off the years of efforts by Dr Fink and many other Gold Coast clinicians who have been involved in the Solomons visits associated with Bond University medical students.