Meet the Director of Nutrition and Food Services at Gold Coast Health, Nicole Ross, who is sharing her knowledge about dietary and food services with the design team for the new Coomera Hospital. Her team’s insights ensure, that from the get-go, the needs of the staff who will use the space are central to the design, resulting in a patient-focussed, efficient and innovative food service.
What does your current role involve?
I am responsible for the provision of both Dietetic and Food Services across acute and community services within the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (GCHHS).
What has your role been in the new Coomera Hospital?
I’ve been involved in general planning for the allied health areas, but I have had a particular focus on the hospital kitchen for Gold Coast Health’s first ‘room service’ model. Under the room service model, patients can order meals from a menu, at a time of their choice. This means patients can order based on their appetite, food preferences and around clinical tests and procedures, enhancing patient wellbeing while reducing food waste. This has required extensive planning in conjunction with food service managers, dietitians, the quality and safety coordinator, the Coomera project team and external kitchen design specialists.
Why is it important that future users have input into the design process?
Clinicians and our food services staff are subject matter experts who support service efficiencies, so their input is vital. Their expertise ensures the design of facility spaces meets local and business needs, creating an optimal environment for both staff and patients.
Do you have a highlight as a project user group member?
Having access to external kitchen designers in addition to our local food service experts has been a highlight. Their combined experience has been invaluable in planning a highly functional kitchen that will support the new room service model.
What do you hope the new Coomera Hospital will become?
Broadly speaking, the Coomera Hospital will provide ease of access for the Gold Coast’s northern corridor population to a wide range of clinical services. From a food services perspective, we’re excited to offer a new patient-centred model that allows flexibility in meeting the needs of different patient cohorts.
Lastly, what do you do to stay healthy?
I prioritise a good work/life balance.