Gold Coast University Hospital and DonateLife Queensland will today unveil an artistic tribute to organ and tissue donors and their families who make transplantation possible.
Fourteen intricate tile mosaic domes will be simultaneously dedicated in 14 hospitals across the state to remember the legacy of love and generosity of donors.
Donation Specialist Nurse Coordinator Amanda Leitch said the 1.2 metre three-dimensional dome would hang in a prominent place to encourage reflection and gratitude.
“We hope this tribute will enrich the hospital environment with its vibrancy and inspire others to consider the gift of life,” Ms Leitch said.
“Today we’ve brought together key donor family and recipient advocates, hospital executives and staff from ICU for a dedication ceremony followed by morning tea.
Lesley McCormick’s life changed suddenly and dramatically following her son Joshua’s critical head injury in a skateboarding accident.
It wasn’t a hard decision to make when the DonateLife representative approached her to discuss organ donation while Joshua was on the ventilator in ICU.
“We instantly knew. Joshua had mentioned it a few times to me (his wishes) and he knew I wanted to be a donor,” Mrs McCormick said.
Joshua’s organs saved three lives and his tissue improved the lives of countless others.
“I’ve found it comforting to know that it’s not me just thinking of him, I’m sure the donor recipients think of him every day as well,” Mrs McCormick said.
Brisbane-based artist Jane Du Rand created the works for the state campaign, which coincides with DonateLife Thank You Day.
“The imagery represents the love inspiring donors and the circle of life it encompasses while symbols of life and regeneration are depicted using nature’s seeds and buds bringing new life, energy and immortality,” Ms Rand said.
You can register your organ donation decision in under a minute at www.donatelife.gov.au