When research is published it is often the culmination of a lot of hard and thoughtful work. It is, therefore, important that it is seen. Researchers may use a variety of means to disseminate their findings, including through the production of outputs and the use of other communication strategies.
Our library and communications teams can help with promotion of work completed. We encourage you to reach out to our contact support centre for advice or assistance with the promotion of research.
Given the peer-review process can be lengthy, some researchers advocate for the publication of preprints. Preprints are complete manuscripts that are yet to be formally peer-reviewed. They can be posted on servers before peer-review and publication in an academic journal. All preprints are given a unique DOI, and can therefore be cited. Once posted, researchers are also able to provide commentary outside of the traditional journal peer-review process, which can also help strengthen a researcher’s paper. MedRxiv and the Open Science Framework are two of the most commonly used examples in medicine.
These can provide colleagues with rapid access to local research findings. They can also be a great way of accessing feedback prior to presentation at external meetings or peer-review publications.
Presenting work to external colleagues provides researchers an opportunity to showcase their work and receive feedback. They can also generate other research ideas or future collaborations.
Researchers are encouraged to present their work at the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (GCHHS) annual research showcase. The showcase presents a wonderful opportunity to present local data to the GCHHS community.
Posters presentations focus the reader to pertinent information about a study. The benefit of posters is that they can remain on display for long periods of time and allow others to read the information at their leisure.
Poster presentations delivered at scientific meetings can also be displayed in a researcher’s department to inform colleagues/patients of the research being done in the area.
Poster templates are available for staff on the forms and templates page.