There are Intensive Care Units at both Gold Coast University Hospital and Robina Hospital.
Gold Coast University Hospital Intensive Care Unit
This unit is a 21 bed ICU/HDU with greater than 85% occupancy, averaging 1600 patients per year.
It is an ANZICS Level 3 unit and provides an extensive tertiary service to the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service of Queensland.
The care of critically ill patients is a co-operative venture involving the contributions of a broad range of health care professionals.
The Intensive care department provided care to patients with life threatening or potentially life threatening conditions. This service provide specialised facilities, equipment, expertise and staff acuity to support the critically ill patients, other departments and the HHS as a whole.
The GCUH Intensive care department manages a varied case mix of patients and conditions.
These include:
- major trauma
- neurosurgery
- neuro intervention and neuro trauma
- cardiac surgery
- vascular surgery
- major head and neck
- maxilo-facial and ENT
- surgery, and other medical and surgical emergencies and elective admissions.
Robina Hospital High Dependancy Unit and Intensive Care Unit
Patient casemix includes general medical, respiratory and post-surgical. Services include all forms of ventilation, dialysis, bronchoscopy, as well as the MET/Code blue team, cardioversion and central line/PICC line services.
The unit has a progressive and comprehensive education program for both clinical and management education, and offers secondments to areas of specialist interest.
The Robina ICU facilities include:
- 10 beds, all with central monitoring and air/O2 outlets for ventilation
- 6 with reverse osmosis loop access for dialysis
- 2 isolation rooms (one negative pressure and one ambient pressure)
- an external terrace area with medical services access for 3 ventilated patients and the ability to dialyse
- a stand alone procedure room.